animal versus plant  workbook:
7 traditional methods of food processing
to render plants safe to consume
Nothing in this world matters more than free will.
I spent my pregnancy with my first daughter researching how to have a natural birth. After I gave birth, it was all I could do to physically recover, bond with my baby, and learn how to breastfeed. I kept drowning in guilt feeling like I needed to research routine medical care, nutrition, and early education for my child, but I was simply too tired and overwhelmed to know where to begin. I was drained of mental and physical resources, vulnerable, and intensely emotional.

This is often the moment at which we, as parents, find ourselves most susceptible to the voices of medical and political authority that may or may not have our children's best interests at heart. The unsolicited opinions of friends and family continue to obscure the issues and cloud our judgment. It can feel impossible to make informed decisions and own those decisions when challenged by those who disagree.
This is why I created my 101 series.
I've spent the past 6 years reading, researching, making mistakes with my own children, and wishing I could have done things differently from the start. I have always believed that educating myself about an issue is my path forward, but self-education-- especially about topics that deeply impact the lives of our children--can be time-consuming and mentally draining.

I created my 101 series to help parents navigate the complex and controversial waters surrounding fertility, pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, nutrition, and routine pediatric medical care. Each 101 e-book provides 101 facts from medical authorities, peer-reviewed scientific journals and nonfiction authors with serious credentials. Each 101 e-book has a companion workbook, which contains 7 action-driven principles or methods to help the reader turn the theory of the 101 e-book into practice.

The Take Back Your Health 101 Series explores nutrition as the bedrock for mental health, physical health, fertility, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. The Animal versus Plant Workbook distills 7 methods from the e-book and walks with the reader through applying those methods at home.

animal versus plant workbook

printable design to allow reader to directly engage with the material

begins with "about" and "how to use" pages & ends with 2 bonus infographics

each of the 7 methods includes 7 types of worksheets

worksheet type 1: method outline & overview of current knowledge

worksheet type 2: basics Q & A with hyperlinks for self-correction

worksheet type 3: tracker chart or checklist of personal exposure to anti-nutrient

worksheet type 4: quotation quiz to more deeply examine a scientific journal citation

worksheet type 5: troubleshoot how to use this method to decrease anti-nutrients

worksheet type 6: recipe to try at home applying traditional method

worksheet type 7: 5-minute mental health check journal prompt

reveals how to decrease goitrogen & oxalate content of leafy vegetables

explores sourdough fermentation & teaches the basics of working with a starter

troubleshoots how to reduce phytate & lectin content of grains & legumes

investigates maize, soy, & nightshades & where they belong in the human diet

explains how to use plants for detoxification & cleansing

"An incredibly well researched and documented resource for parents and caregivers. Caroline has provided her readers with a wealth of information to better not just their own lives but the lives of their families and loved ones. I implore you to start this journey to a better way of eating and living. Caroline is here to support you every step of the way."

Mother, Minnesota

Are you ready to take back your health?

My 101 series is intended to save parents time, mental and emotional energy, and also provide them with a path forward for themselves and their children. The Plant versus Animal Workbook helps parents to make the methods they learned from the e-book come alive in their own hearts, minds, and kitchens.

My goal is to help make research that properly belongs to parents more accessible, understandable, and actionable. I hope to empower parents to begin trusting their own judgment--and to feel that they are basing that judgment on legitimate research.

If, for any reason, you do not find this workbook helpful in your journey as a parent, please reach out to me for a full refund.

My goal is not to pretend I have the answers. Instead, I want to promote the scope and the gravity of the issues modern parents face. I want to help parents equip themselves with the knowledge and information they need to make truly informed choices for their children. To foster in themselves both awareness of the freedom to refuse and viable alternatives. To take the responsibility for their family’s health back into their own hands. To take back self-education and self-advocacy. And, in the process, transform themselves from victim into agent.

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Animal versus Plant 101 e-book
This companion e-book to the Animal versus Plant Workbook contains 101 facts from medical authorities, peer-reviewed scientific journals and nonfiction authors with serious credentials. This e-book contains 10 chapters exploring topics such as nightshades, maize/aflatoxins, phytoestrogens, veganism/vegetarianism, & agricultural bioethics. Each of the 101 facts is hyperlinked to allow parents to more deeply explore any particular topic.

Normally $17: only $12 when purchased with the Animal versus Plant Workbook!

  • Total payment
  • 1xAnimal vs Plant Workbook$12

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